Thursday, April 23, 2015

Top 5 Favorite Books (In no particular order)

I've been reading for a long time, and I generally enjoy the majority of the books that I read. However, I will try to narrow them down into a list of my favorites. This list is always changing, but for now this is it.

5. "Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children" by Ransom Riggs
I bought this book at the Las Vegas airport while on my honeymoon. We had a long time to wait in the terminal before our flight so I read about a third of it. I spent the entire flight reading as well. Then when we got home I finished the book before doing anything else. I loved this book so much. It was unlike anything I've ever read. I was drawn into another world and I didn't want to leave. I loved the sequel "Hollow City" too, and I'm patiently waiting for the third book "Library of Souls." I'm somewhat excited about the movie adaptation because it's being directed by Tim Burton, but at the same time I'm afraid they will mess it up. We shall see.

4. "Doctor Sleep" by Stephen King
I recently discovered the amazing world of Stephen King books and I've dived in head first. I read "The Shining" last summer, which was great, but I wouldn't call it a favorite. Then I read "Doctor Sleep" and absolutely loved it. I love the idea of finding out what a character is doing thirty years later. And King is an amazing writer. It's unlike anything else.

3. "Looking for Alaska" by John Green
I've read this one twice. The first time I was a freshman in college. I loved it then. I connected to all of the characters, and I loved the twist. Then I read again as a senior in college, and my love was deepened. I understood it more fully and felt even more heartbreak over it.

2. "Dark Places" by Gillian Flynn
I actually just read this book this month and it's already in my favorites list. It was absolutely wonderful. I have also read "Sharp Objects" but DP was much better in my opinion. It was terrifying and incredible at the same time. It's one of those books that will stay with me for a long time to come.

1. "The Time Traveler's Wife" by Audrey Niffengger 
I read this one a few years ago and I've thought about it ever since. The writing is beautiful and so is the story in general. It's a great love story.

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